Explore 360

East Africa

3 Volcanoes Trek

  • Where?


  • Altitude


  • Duration

    17 days

  • Weather

  • Physical


  • Technical


  • P3 - This trip is physically tough. Frequent exercise is necessary to prepare properly for this expedition. Regular walking mixed with training at the gym to build up endurance and cardiovascular fitness is key. Expect to be able to do 8 hour days in hilly and often steep train, carrying a pack of 6-10kg in weight with the occasional extra long day.

    Visit our Grading Information page for a full overview.

  • T2 - Consider this a trek, although there may be occasion to use hands for short sections of easy scrambling. No previous climbing or trekking experience is necessary.

    Visit our Grading Information page for a full overview.

  • Overview

  • Date & Prices

  • Pics & Vids

  • Itinerary

  • Kit List

  • FAQs


Venture deep into the heart of the East Africa Rift valley to trek up the still active Ol Doinyo Lengai (2,878 meters), then safari east trekking higher up the dramatic Mount Meru (4,566 meters) before attempting Africa’s tallest summit, Kilimanjaro (5,895 meters).

Trekking each one of these volcanoes is an adventure in itself; the still smoking Ol Doinyo Legai overlooks the vast isolated, flamingo rich Lake Natron and has long been revered by its local inhabitants, the Massai People, as a god. To climb Mount Meru we trek through pristine savannah bushland where we see zebra, giraffe, gazelle and buffalo before summiting its impressive volcanic rim. Then fully acclimatised we trek through tropical rainforest, strange volcanic shaped landscapes, and alpine desert to reach the summit of the mighty Kilimanjaro by its most spectacular route; the Western Breach.

By linking up these three ever higher volcanoes we won’t just experience Africa’s most jaw-dropping landscape but encounter its proudest tribes, see some of mother nature’s most incredible wildlife up close and personal and wild-camp under vast starry skies. There simply is no better way to sample the best East-Africa has to offer then this 17 day mountain trekking adventure.

360’s standards have been recognised by the Kilimanjaro porters union, where we have been rewarded with recognition by the governing body who looks after and supports the porters and workers on Kilimanjaro.

Find out more
East Africa, 3 Volcanoes Trek East Africa, 3 Volcanoes Trek

Date & Prices

For private trips or bespoke itineraries inc. different dates, please contact the 360 office on 0207 1834 360.
A monthly payment plan is possible, please contact the office to chat through the options.

For private trips or bespoke itineraries inc. different dates, please contact the 360 office on 0207 1834 360.
A monthly payment plan is possible, please contact the office to chat through the options.

Departure & Return


Land Only

Flight included

Start: 30 August 2024
End: 15 September 2024

Land Only:  £4,895
Flight Included: £5,545

*Minimum group size of 6*

30 August 2024

15 September 2024

17 days



*Minimum group size of 6*

Start: 15 August 2025
End: 31 August 2025

Land Only:  £4,895
Flight Included: £5,545

*Minimum group size of 6*

15 August 2025

31 August 2025

17 days



*Minimum group size of 6*

Start: 14 August 2026
End: 30 August 2026

Land Only:  £4,995
Flight Included: £5,645

*Minimum group size of 6*

14 August 2026

30 August 2026

17 days



*Minimum group size of 6*

Please note that if 360 is booking your international flights, a supplement may be applicable

if the flight budget (as seen above) is exceeded.

Please note that if 360 is booking your international flights, a supplement may be applicable

if the flight budget (as seen above) is exceeded.


  • International flights
  • Local guides and a 360 guide (depending on group size)
  • Scheduled hotel nights
  • Park fees
  • Group climbing and cooking gear
  • Porters
  • Ground transportation in country
  • All accommodation based on two people sharing
  • All meals on the trek and those detailed in the itinerary
  • Monthly payment plan, on request

Not Included

  • Tanzanian visa
  • Personal equipment
  • Tips for local and western guides
  • Personal travel insurance
  • Items of a personal nature – laundry, room service, alcohol etc
  • Any unforeseen increase in park fees
  • Single Supplement: £180 (if you request a single room/tent)
  • Airport transfers when not booking on with flights
  • Any additional costs associated with leaving the expedition early including any airline surcharges as a result of changing return airline tickets

Pics & Vids


DAY 1 : Depart home

Depart for your expedition in the evening.

DAY 2 : Arrive Moshi

Welcoming you at Kilimanjaro International Airport will be your 360 guide and our local team. From the airport we transfer to Karatu town where you have time to recover from the flight and have a relaxing afternoon at the hotel. On the transfer we will get tantalising glimpses of Meru and Kilimanjaro, the volcanoes we have come to climb. Just before dinner your guides will do an equipment check to make sure you have all the essentials and after dinner there will be a comprehensive trek briefing from your 360 leader.

Hotel, D

DAY 3 : Moshi - Lake Natron

The drive to our bush camp at Lake Natron will take around 7 hours. It’s initially along Tanzania’s well-travelled east-west route which links the Indian Ocean to Lake Victoria and provides access to world famous national parks such as the Serengeti and Ngorongoro crater. As soon as we turn off and hit the dirt however, our jeeps will take you into an Africa lifted directly from the pages of National Geographic. Looking out the window you will see wide open savannah country speckled by the occasional Acacia tree, many Massai villages, zebra, antelope, buffalo, the occasional giraffe and the massive shape Ol Doingyo Lengai and several other volcanoes dominating the horizon. This is not your average transfer!

Our camp overlooks the enormous Lake Natron, a soda lake with extremely alkaline water. The lake is an oasis for many colourful birds and animals and completes our heart of Africa picture. We’ll spend our first night tonight camping under the African sky.

Camping, BLD

DAY 4-5 : Ol Doinyo Lengai (2,960m) - Arusha National Park

We’ll start the day in a relaxed, typically African style by exploring the lake shore looking for flamingo’s. Later that morning a Massai guide will take us into a nearby canyon to see a waterfall and we’ll explore the bushland around our camp. In the afternoon we’ll get together for our mountain briefing and then do our last minute packing / checklist and get some rest before starting our ascent of Ol Doinyo Lengai at midnight.

The ascent of this classically volcano shaped mountain will take around 6-7 hours, starting with an hour long four-wheel drive safari to its base. From here we walk into tall grassland before climbing the steep path zig-zagging through heath and over ancient lava flows, ever higher up the volcano. We aim to reach the summit rim just before sunrise but before we do, we’ll already hear the outerworldy rumbling of the volcano’s inner core. It is possible to see plumes of sulpher laden smoke waft around the edge of the volcano’s summit rim and by turning our head-torches off we can be treated to the eerie spectacle of bubbling orange lava deep in the crater below us. Sunrise from this spectacular summit adds yet another surreal touch to this special place, this summit is one that will long be savoured.

The descent from the summit will take us around 4 -5 hours and should have us back in camp for a mid-morning breakfast. Tired from our adventure we’ll get a few hours sleep and then after leave this unique part of the world to travel to the base of our next challange, Mount Meru in Arusha National Park.

Camping night 4, hotel night 5. BLD

DAY 6 : Momela Gate - Miriakamba Hut (2,520m)

Expect to tick a lot more African wildlife from your list today! Today’s leisurely walk is through the pristine savannah bushland of the beautiful Arusha National Park. Accompanied by an experienced ranger carrying a rifle for our protection we get to experience something few tourists who come to Africa get to do; a walking safari. Giraffe, buffalo, zebra and various gazelle are only a few animal of the species we’ll meet today and dominating all is the impressive classic volcanic shape of one the mountains we have come to climb, Meru. Today is a truly special day, walking for between 3-4 hours to reach our mountain hut for the night.

Mountain hut, BLD

DAY 7 : Miriakamba Hut (2,520m) - Saddle Hut (3,556m) & little Meru (3,820m)

Today we’ll leave the savannah and climb into the cloud forest, a landscape lifted straight from a Tarzan movie. We’ll see enormous trees covered with hanging mosses where, if we’re lucky, we can find the odd chameleon. After a stiff climb we emerge from the forest to reach the Saddle hut where we’ll stop for lunch. All in all this mornings walk will take around 5 hours.

After lunch we venture out to climb little Meru (3,820 m). We’ll be walking for around 2 hours in order to improve our acclimatisation, trust us it’s absolutely worth it for the stunning views of a distant Kilimanjaro.

Mountain hut, BLD

DAY 8 : Summit attempt: Meru (4,556m) - Miriakamba Hut (2,520m)

Today we steadily climb above 4,000m and aim to tick the second volcano on this spectacular journey which will take between 6-8 hours. We leave the hut shortly after midnight under a blanket of stars and, by following a scrambling path firstly up wide slabs and then along the volcano’s enormous rim, we’ll aim to be near the summit as the sun comes up. There’s few African vistas quite like the one you get from Mount Meru’s summit, clearly visible, often poking above a blanket of clouds rises the majestic Kilimanjaro whilst directly below our feet the distintive volcanic cone of Meru reminds us that we have just climbed an enormous volcano! It will be difficult to leave this place but when eventually we descend it will take around 4 hours to reach the Miriakama hut where we celebrate our ascent and have a well deserved rest.

Mountain hut, BLD

DAY 9 : Miriakamba hut - Moshi

We have a relaxing descent back to the national park entrance and then transfer to Moshi for a taste of African hospitality. Our path down is via a different route which allows us to explore as much of this unique place as possible and to spot a few more of the animals Africa is famous for. Once back at our hotel we’ll have earned a few beers, a great meal and a hot shower. A relaxing evening recounting our adventure so far is sure to follow.

Hotel, BLD

DAY 10 : Moshi - Umbwe gate (1,400m) to Forest Camp / Umbwe caves (3,000m)

Today we start our ascent of the mightiest mountain in Africa. After a leisurely breakfast we transfer by jeep to the rarely visited Umbwe gate from where, supported by our local crew of guides and porters we trek directly into the dense tropical rainforest. Keeping our eyes open for the many endemic forest plants and animals, we trek steadily along a well-marked trail to our camp underneath the forest canopy, near the mouth of a huge cave. Expect to be trekking for around 5 hours today.

Camping, BLD

DAY 11 : Forest camp (3,000m) - Barranco camp (3,900m)

We’ll experience a distinct change in landscape as we climb above the forest and ascend a long narrow ridge today which divides two deep forested valleys. This is a place popular with Colobus monkeys and often there are scats of their main predator, the leopard.

We’ll walk for around 5 hours in total, continuing up the ridge until it flattens out onto high moorland plataeu called Barranco. Here we encounter the odd plants for which East African mountains are famous; the Giant Groundsel and the Lobelias. We arrive into camp by mid-afternoon.

Camping, BLD

DAY 12 : Acclimatisation day Barranco camp (3,900m)

The focus today is on preparing ourselves for the big days ahead by taking it easy and having sufficient food and drinks. Spending a full day and night at this altitude increases our chances of reaching the summit of Kilimanjaro.

Barranco camp is situated underneath the highest vertical wall in Africa, the Breach Wall, it’s a spectacular place to spend the day. A few leisurely hours will be spent in the morning scrambling up Barranco wall to see Breach wall and its numerous glaciers up close.

Camping, BLD

DAY 13 : Barranco camp (3,900m) - Arrow Glacier camp (4,800m)

After a hearty breakfast we follow a well-marked path; weaving its way up through many strands of the exotic Giant Groundsel, to a distinctive rock formation called the Lava Tower. The Lave Tower summit can be reached, for those feeling adventurous, by a short scramble. From here we zig-zag up the true slopes of Kibo, the giant volcanic cone that forms Kilimanjaro’s famous shape to Arrow Glacier hut and our first night camping over 4,000 meters. We’ll be walking for around 5-6 hours today.

Camping, BLD

DAY 14 : Summit attempt: Kilimanjaro (5,895m) - Millennium Hut (3,720m)

Summit day! We strike camp in the early hours of the morning and under a million stars start our ascent of Africa’s highest mountain. Initially the route zig-zags up steep scree slopes and then up several small rock buttresses where our previous scrambling practice on Meru and the Barranco wall will come in handy. Just before the summit rim we traverse above the Arrow glacier itself and encounter strangly shaped volcanic rock formations which we scramble over to reach the summit rim. Looking into the vast volcanic cauldron we can see glaciers and the distinctive circular ash pit – Kilimanjaro’s fiery heart. After a long rest at this spectacular point we descend below the rim and cross the Furtwangler glacier where after a final steep scramble reach the summit of Africa’s highest point, Uhuru peak. All in all we can expect to be on the summit push for around 8 hours.

You’ve done it! Standing on top of Africa’s highest mountain is an incredible feeling. To know that you have this incredible continent at your feet and to have completed this journey in such a fashion will be a glorious memory that lasts forever. We will spend some time on top to see the sunrise over Africa, relish the expansive views (over to the west will be the distinctive shape of Meru) and savour our achievment.

We’ll continue our full traverse of the mountain by following the rim to Stella Point before descending to Millenium camp tucked into the heathland of the mountains northern slope. Here our incredible local crew will be ready to celebrate your achievement in style. The descent will take around 5-6 hours.

Camping, BLD

DAY 15 : Millenium Hut (3,720m) - Mweka Gate (1,630m) - Moshi

After an emotional thank you ceremony for our local team, we have our last few hours on the mountain by descending into the rainforest to Mweka gate. From here we drive back to our hotel in Moshi, where refreshing beverages, a hot shower and a great celebration meal awaits.

If you do need to whizz back home, it is possible to leave Moshi on day 15 for your international flight – please talk to us if this is something you want us to look into.

Hotel, BL

DAY 16 : Depart Moshi

Spend some time recovering from the climb and, if you’re up for it, visit Moshi for a chance to buy souvenirs before your transfer to the airport for an evening flight back home.

If 360 are securing your flights, you will either be departing Tanzania later tonight on a night flight, arriving back to Europe the next day (day 17), or you will depart early morning on a day flight arriving mid-afternoon the same day. Departure times will be dictated by flight routes, times and costs. If you tick ‘flights included’, then the 360 team will do their utmost to find the most appropriate flights, giving you the best options. Please do let the office team know at the time of booking if you have a preference, and we will always do our best to accommodate.


These are subject to minor changes depending on flight arrival and departure times, weather, group dynamics and fitness and so on, but the itinerary outlined provides an excellent indication of the trek and what you will experience.

Kit List

Bags & Packs

Kit bag

A 90 -120L duffel bag to transport kit.  A duffel bag is a strong, soft, weather resistant bag without wheels but with functional straps for carrying. Suitcases and wheeled bags are not suitable


Approx. 40L capacity. Your day to day pack that you carry with your daily essentials, fitted with shoulder straps and importantly a waist belt

Waterproof rucksack cover

To protect rucksack from rain


Nylon rolltop bags that keep fresh clothing and other important items like passports and iPods dry in the event of a total downpour that seeps into your kitbag. Good for quarantining old socks.

Please note that many countries are now banning plastic bags. We would always advise buying re-usable nylon rolltop bags for keeping your kit dry (and sustainability).

Small kit bag or light bag

This is for any kit you intend to leave at the hotel and could even simply be a heavy duty plastic bag


For use on your kit bag for travel and on the expedition plus your hotel bag

Quantity: 2

Sleeping Gear

4 Season sleeping bag

You should get a sleeping bag rated to -15C and choose a sleeping bag that functions within the comfort rating of this temperature. A silk sleeping bag liner will enhance this rating on the coldest nights

Sleeping bag liner

Silk is best for keeping the bag clean and you a little warmer

Sleeping mat

A sleeping mattress is supplied. However a sleeping mat is advised for warmth rather than comfort


Warm headgear

This can be a warm hat, beanie, balaclava, anything to reduce the heat loss from your head

Wide brimmed hat

Keeps the sun off exposed areas like ears and the nape of the neck


Essential for protection from the sun and dust


Category 4 minimum. Worth spending money on good UV filters.  Julbo is our preferred supplier


Buy the highest SPF you can find as UV intensifies with altitude

Lip salve

Sun cream will not work on your lips and they are very susceptible to burn without proper protection

Upper Body

Base layer

This is the layer closest to the skin and its principal function is to draw (wick) moisture and sweat away from the skin. You can also get thermal base layers for use at higher altitudes that provide an additional insulative layer while still drawing sweat during times of high exertion

Quantity: 2

Mid layer

These are typically lightweight microfleeces or similar technology that provide varying degrees of warmth and insulation without being overly bulky or heavy to pack

Quantity: 2

Gilet (optional)

Optional – A great low volume additional layer to keep your core warm, whether down, primaloft or fleece

Light insulated jacket

A lighter jacket such as a Primaloft or lightweight down which can be worn at lower to mid altitudes is a great addition to your kit offering greater flexibility with layering

Soft Shell (optional)

Optional – These should be windproof (not all are) and insulative. They are mostly made of soft polyester and sometimes resemble a neoprene finish which makes them very mobile and comfortable to wear. While offering a degree of weather repellence, they are not waterproof

Hard Shell

These jackets are thin, highly waterproof and windproof and worn over all other items of clothing. You’ll find these made of Gore-Tex or other proprietary waterproof yet breathable technology. Inexpensive hard shells that aren’t breathable will prevent evaporation, making you sweat intensely and are not recommended

Down jacket

Generally made using feathers, these are the ultra-warm and insulated layer that are used when at camp or in extremely cold environments. Those with a windproof outer fabric will provide the best insulation. Ask advice in the shop (or from us) when buying the jacket and mention you want it rated to -10C and the assistant will recommend the correct fill for you

Warm gloves

Consider liners or a light polartec pair for lower altitudes and evenings, and a thicker waterproof pair like ski gloves for higher altitudes

Ski gloves or heavy mitts

Summit night can be bitterly cold, a spare pair of ultra warm gloves for this night is recommended, to be worn with a liner glove underneath, and waterproof (and windproof) layer over

Lower Body

Trekking trousers

These tend to be polyester so they dry quickly after a shower and weigh little in your pack. Consider perhaps a pair with detachable lower legs as an alternative to shorts

Softshell trousers

Windproof or thermal lined trekking trousers for higher altitudes and the summit phase. Thermal leggings can still be worn underneath if necessary

Long Johns

Thermal insulation for the lower body

Waterproof overtrousers

Like the jacket, an essential piece of kit to stay dry and should also be Goretex


Merino or wicking material, not cotton. How many pairs you take is entirely up to you


Walking boots

Well worn in 4 season waterproof boots with mid to high ankle support

Comfortable trainers

For evening use and to give your feet a break once we reach the camps

Trekking socks

Start with lighter socks lower down, working up to thicker pairs for higher up as it gets colder. Some people like a clean pair every day, others are happy to change every other day – that’s a personal choice

Spare laces

Just in case


Water bottles/bladder

3L equivalent – Camelbaks are useful at lower altitudes but have a tendency to freeze up at higher altitudes without insulation tubes, Nalgene bottles are better at altitude. We suggest a combination of a 2L bladder and 1L bottle or 2 x ½L bottles to put in your jacket for summit night

Water purification

Although generally all water is boiled some prefer to double up and add purification tabs as well. Always good to have in your bag


Wash kit

Keep it simple on the mountain. Essentials are handsoap, toothbrush, toothpaste and deodorant. Moisturiser is advisable, everything else is a luxury!

Personal first aid kit

Your own first aid kit should contain: A basic blister kit, plasters, antiseptic, sun-protection, any personal medication, basic pain relief (paracetamol/aspirin/ibuprofen), strepsils, anti-nauseau, a personal course of antibiotics if prone to illness etc.

Personal medication

Keep this in your daypack

Wet wipes

These are great for washing when shower facilities become a thing of the past

Alcohol gel

A must have for good camp hygiene

Insect repellent

For early stages and once back down

Toilet paper

Provided on the mountain but a spare in your daysack may be useful if you need to hide behind a rock between camps

Nappy sacks or dog poo bags

Only needed to bag your toilet paper if you are caught short in between camps and for keeping your rubbish tidy in your tent


Head torch

Bring spare batteries

Trekking poles

These tend to be a personal preference but help with your stability and can dampen the pressure on the knees coming down hill


Bring plenty of spare batteries and memory cards

Penknife (optional)


You will be fed very well and given snacks each day however we advise bringing a small selection as a little bit of comfort. Extra snacks can be bought en-route if needed. Energy gels and protein bars are not suitable


Of course optional, but most trekkers like to bring an iPod, book, Kindle, cards etc for evening entertainment.



Don’t forget this! Your passport should have at least 6 months validity.  With your passport expiry date at least six months after the final day of travel.

Copy of passport

Rarely needed but worth having just in case


Granted on arrival, it costs $50 USD for a 3 month stay, subject to change

Passport photos x 4

We need these to obtain your climbing and trekking permits

Dental check up

We recommend you have a dental check-up before your trip. New fillings can be an issue at altitude if there is an air pocket left in the gap


We recommend you take at least US$350-$400 in small denominations. This will allow for $150 – $180 tip money plus any extras such as satellite phone calls and emergency funds. Small denominations are recommended as it may be difficult to obtain change and it will be easier to divide tip money

Travel insurance

Copy of own travel insurance details.  And relevant contact numbers.

We have a partnership with True Traveller and would recommend that you contact them when looking for travel insurance for your trip with 360. However, it is vital that you ensure that the insurance cover they offer is suitable for you, taking your personal circumstances (items to be insured, cancellation cover, medical history) into account. Many other insurance providers are available and we do recommend that you shop around to get the best cover for you on the expedition you are undertaking.

It is your responsibility to ensure that you have the appropriate insurance for your intended trip.  To include medical evacuation and coverage up to the maximum altitude of this trip.


The trek and the Guides and Porter team

Why has 360 chosen this itinerary?

This expedition was devised by 360 Expedition founders, Rolfe and Marni because in their minds it captures the very best of adventure possibilities in East Africa. Their incredibly extensive trekking / travel and climbing experience (see their adventure c.v’s) in this region dates back to the early 1990’s and they have always thought of the area as their second home. Furthermore, this expedition is a perfect match for 360 Expeditions current unchartered series of expeditions as it encompasses both unique challenge and of the beaten track adventure.

How is this itinerary different from the 360 Kilimanjaro trek?

The obvious difference is that 3 very distinct volcanoes are attempted during this expedition rather than just Kilimanjaro. We will take the Umbwe / Western Breach route up Kilimanjaro which is far less frequented than other routes. This route traverses the entire mountain and is to our mind, much more beautiful and adventurous. Having already climbed both Lengai and Meru we will be one step ahead of our acclimatisation regime and only need one extra rest day dedicated to enhance our acclimatisation (and relaxing and exploring) on Kilimanjaro itself.

This exciting itinerary not only gives you the chance to climb three very distinctly different volcanoes but it lets you encounter Africa’s wildlife up close and meet Africa’s well known Massai people. This expedition is not merely a singular ascent but a true African adventure in the realest sense of the term.

Are we supported by a 360 local crew for this expedition?

360 Expeditions have been working with our Tanzanian crew for over two decades and enjoy a very cordial and supportive friendship with them. Our 360 local team will be with us from start to finish on this expedition. Acting not only as bus and jeep drivers, guides, cooks but also as porters on the Meru and Kilimanjaro ascent.

Porters welfare: Is 360 part of the Porters program KPAP?

Yes, we are and we have one of the highest ratings possible. We are very proud of this – our porters and crew make your climbing and trekking possible. They sing and dance up the mountain giving us an incredible experience. In return, we do our utmost to support them back.

The mistreatment of porters can be a troubling challenge in the climbing industry. We are an approved Partner company with the Kilimanjaro Porters Assistance Project – KPAP – and the International Mountain Explorers Connection – IMEC – Partner for Responsible Travel Program.

We voluntarily participate with KPAP’s monitoring activities and allow KPAP to evaluate the treatment of our porters on all of our climbs. By climbing with us you can be assured that your porters are well taken care of.

KPAP also helps to improve the working conditions of porters by:

  • Lending donated clothing at no charge to the mountain crew for use while climbing
  • Educating the public on porter working conditions and climbing responsibly
  • Providing industry guidelines for proper porter treatment
  • Offering educational classes to porters

Is 360 part of the IMEC and a Partner for Responsible Travel?

Again yes we are. This is a very important aspect of 360 operations. Please do chat to 360 and ask for the full documentation on this to see how we operate, not only in Africa on Kilimanjaro but globally.


How else do you support porters and local guides?

At 360, we LOVE what we do and are always striving to be better and do more good things.

We provide extensive training to our African team, such as the REC Level 4 Remote Emergency First Aid Course, conducted by UK expert in Rescue & Emergency, Allan Shaw. 

Not only does this keep our standards high and you all safe but we are helping build the skills of our guides, enabling them to push forwards in their careers.

Food and Water

What is the food like in the mountains?

All meals on the mountain are of the highest possible standard. In fact considering that our cooks have to produce the best possible meals in a wilderness setting using only the most basic of facilities (gas burners) the meals they produce are nothing short of a miracle. The meals are always fresh, nutritious and varied. We ensure that dietary preferences are always met and that the best local ingredients are used. The underlying aim is to provide balanced nutritional meals packed with carbohydrates to re-fuel hungry bodies and to replenish stores for the next day of activity.

On top of well balanced meals you are provided with coffee, tea and snacks upon arrival into camp. The morning wake-up call is usually accompanied with a cup of tea or coffee in your tent. You are invited to bring along any of your favourite snacks and goody bags from home if you want. Concentrate on high energy food-stuffs such as Jelly Babies or nuts to give you that little boost on an arduous day.

I have food allergies, can these be catered for?

Absolutely, please inform the office of any allergies or intolerances and we will ensure that these are taken into account on the trek.

Where does the drinking water come from?

For the first day bottled drinking water will be used. At the higher camps we use locally sourced drinking water from streams or springs. These are usually fresh being topped up from melt water above or by rainfall but we also increase their purity by treating the water with purification tablets and by boiling it. We always ensure that our drinking water is 100% bug free.

How often is fresh water available for replenishing during the day?

Before leaving camp in the morning you will fill your water bottles or camel bladder. If this runs low you will have ample more water to replace it with. For most walking days water can be replenished at the lunchtime site.


What if I'm a solo traveller?

We have plenty of solo travellers on our expeditions – you’ll likely have others on yours! We don’t charge any extra for single travellers , unless you specifically opt for a single room or tent. All of the accommodation and tents are based on two people sharing, and this is always organised according to sex and then, where possible, age groups.

If you do end up being the only single male or female on a trip, or there’s an odd number, then you may end up with a room to yourself – but there’s no guarantee. If you do wish to have a single room option, do chat to us for the details! We do generally recommend tent sharing, as most altitude related symptoms manifest themselves at night, but our leaders are always on hand and so if you are in a tent on your own, there’s always someone nearby.


How does tent sharing work? And how big are the tents?

Most altitude related symptoms manifest themselves at night. We therefore recommend tent sharing from the onset of all our Mount Kilimanjaro expeditions. Tent share is always organised according to sex and where possible age groups. Obviously if you are climbing this mountain with a friend or partner then you will be able to share tents. If you have joined the team by yourself then it is highly likely that you will be sharing a tent with your pre-assigned room buddy unless prior arrangements have been made. We use high quality 3 man tents to be shared between 2 people to provide extra space for your comfort.

Will the camp be freshly set up or will we be staying at existing camps at set sites on the way up?

Our local camp crew will set up the tents for you each night. We send them ahead of the group to secure the best site and to get the site prepared before you arrive. Bear in mind that these guys are also porters and when our walking days are shorter we might get to camp before them. If this happens then have a cup of tea in the dining tent and wait for your tents to be ready.

Will the toileting facilities will be “au naturel”, or pit latrines?

We bring along our own toilet tents with Portaloo units. This method allows us to maintain the best possible levels of hygiene without contributing to the toilet problems that can happen at some camps.

Health and Safety

What happens if there is a problem in the mountains?

All our guides are in communication with each other by phone and radio. In addition the national park operates a rescue service on all the routes we use, this service is linked by radio to the park headquarters. In the vast majority of cases of emergency rescue the problems can be attributed to altitude and if so the solution is immediate descent to lower altitudes. Our local mountain crew are all experienced in dealing with any problems that arise. Our guides are either doctors or qualified with the highest standard of wilderness first aid qualifications and can handle any emergency to the highest level of competency, in the vast majority of cases without national park assistance.

What happens if I get altitude sickness?

There are different types of altitude sickness. Although our acclimatisation regime ensures that everybody enjoys the best possible chance of getting high on the mountain, altitude related problems can happen. The most common of this is high altitude sickness – AMS (Acute Mountain Sickness). Symptoms for this can include headaches, nausea and vomiting.

This sounds quite dramatic but generally this is just the process your body naturally goes through to adjust to the higher altitudes and the reduced partial pressure of the atmosphere. For some people the acclimatisation process takes a little longer than others.

For our guides this is all part and parcel of ascending a near 6,000m peak and, although we assess each client’s personal situation carefully, we also further consider the compounding effects of dehydration brought on by excessive vomiting and loss of appetite.

AMS might sound frightening but our guides are fully trained (and highly experienced) in helping relieve your personal symptoms and providing advice on how to best proceed.

What can I do to help prevent AMS?

In most cases AMS can be avoided by following these guidelines:

  • Drink lots of water
  • Walk slowly
  • Stay warm
  • Eat well

We recommend that you familiarise yourself with the various affects that altitude can cause.

During your pre-climb briefing, we describe altitude sickness to you in detail, and advise you how to cope with it. The most important thing is not to fear it, but to respect it and to know how to deal with it and more importantly tell your guides how you feel. Our guides have seen every condition that the mountain produces, and they will always know how to deal with problems.

360 ascends the mountain on the Lemosho and Rongai Routes. These are longer routes with slower ascent profiles which greatly reduce the incidences of AMS developing.

Is there a risk of getting HACE (High Altitude Cerebral Edema) and HAPE (High Altitude Pulmonary Edema) on the mountain?

HACE and HAPE rarely occur on Mount Kilimanjaro and our guides are fully trained in the recognition of the onset of these problems and will deal with them at the first sign of their development.

Should I bring Diamox on the expedition with me?

Although we recommend you come armed with a course of Diamox or other high-altitude drug on this expedition, we do not recommend that take you these as a prophylactic during the trek or climb. We view Diamox as a treatment drug rather than a preventative medicine. Most adventure medics give similar advice, however we do appreciate this can be confusing, as many GPs (who aren’t necessarily mountaineers) do suggest taking it as a prophylactic.

We pride ourselves on designing all our itineraries with acclimatisation very much front and centre and this expedition itinerary has been carefully designed to allow for your body to adjust to the altitude gradually, safely and comfortably. However, if you find that you are still having problems adjusting to the altitude (see our FAQ on Altitude Sickness) then your expedition leader or expedition medic will recommend the correct course of action regarding taking Diamox.

Should I take Diamox?

It is far preferable to take Diamox if and when needed during the course of the expedition. If you are already taking it and then start having altitude related problems you are left with few options but to descend to a more comfortable altitude which sadly often means that the summit is not attainable.

Furthermore, Diamox is a diuretic, meaning you will have to drink a lot of fluid to prevent dehydration. Of course, the upshot of this is you’ll have to pee more which means you’ll probably be having to get up more in the night and take cover behind rocks during the day. Another quite common side-effect is that it can cause your extremities to “buzz and tingle” including your fingers, toes and lips which can feel quite unsettling.  Other side-effects can include dizziness and light headedness with loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea. Although all these side-effects are manageable when you have symptoms of altitude sickness, we personally believe it is counter-intuitive to take it unless necessary.

Of course, it is totally up to you, this is just our recommendation and we’re not doctors. If you do decide to take Diamox on the advice of your doctor then please do let your leader know in situ so they are aware of this. We also suggest you take the drug for a couple of days a few weeks before travelling so you can experience the symptoms before taking them during the trek.

Do I need to take Malarial drugs?

The Malaria protozoa generally does not survive over an altitude of 1,500m so once commencing the actual Mount Kilimanjaro climb Malaria poses no threat. The entry gate is at 1,800m. Both Moshi and Arusha however are slightly lower than this and particularly after the wet season there are frequent incidents of malaria amongst the local inhabitants of these towns. Your time in these places is however quite short and if precautions such as sleeping under mosquito nets, applying insect repellent and wearing long sleeve shirts and trousers are taken then the chances of contracting this disease is significantly reduced. If you are extending your stay in Tanzania to visit other areas, for example, doing the safari option, then you should take them.

You advocate taking a small first aid kit, what should it contain?

We advocate a little bit of self-help on the mountain. If you have a blister developing for example then please stop take off your boot and treat it before it becomes a problem. Your own first aid kit should contain: a basic blister kit, plasters, antiseptic, high factor sun protection, your own personal medication (sometimes your porter might get to camp after you and if he is carrying your medication you may not be able to take it according to the regime you are used to), basic pain relief (aspirin and Ibuprofen), a personal course of antibiotics if prone to illness. Foot powder in your socks every morning is great for preventing blisters. Generally the best approach to take when packing your first aid kit is to include such basic medications as if you would on a family or personal holiday.

Your 360 expedition leader and / or a local porter (we call the ambulance man!) carries a very comprehensive first aid kit which contains a wide range of supplies and medications. They are fully trained to use whatever is needed for any emergency that may arise. We advocate keeping this in mind when packing your own first aid supplies and keeping your own FA kit as compact and light as possible.

What vaccinations do I need?

The following vaccinations are recommended:

  • Hepatitis A
  • Typhoid
  • Diphtheria
  • Tetanus
  • Polio
  • Yellow Fever (see below)

This list is not absolute and it is important you should see your GP Surgery or travel clinic for latest recommendations and to ensure you are up to date on necessary vaccinations.

Do I need to have a yellow fever certificate?

The advice about Yellow Fever vaccinations for travelling to Tanzania changes frequently and you must check with your GP surgery or Travel Clinic for the latest advice before you travel. We cannot advise you on this due to the frequency with which the advice changes.


What clothing should I wear in the mountains?

We advocate the beg, steal and borrow principle for first timers instead of buying brand new stuff that may never get used again. The cost of equipment is usually a major deterrent for people coming onto trips in the first place.

Our guides usually start the walk wearing long, lightweight trekking trousers and t-shirts. Long trousers are recommended as a deterrent to insects, stinging plants and to act as sun protection. Shorts can also be worn on the initial few days of the trek as the temperature is usually warm. Ensure that you apply sun protection frequently!

The prevailing conditions on the mountains will dictate what you will wear: if it is cold when you leave the camp in the morning then wear a fleece. As things warm up take advantage of the zipper system which most trekking clothing has and open and / or close the zips to adjust to your own preferred temperature. If you get too warm simply take a layer off.

Waterproofs are needed at all times. You’ll be summiting some a huge mountains that create their own weather system. It is not unusual to be caught out in an afternoon rainstorm low down on the mountains. Waterproofs should be Gortex material or similar.

What clothing should I wear during summit days?

On your Kilimanjaro summit day it gets cold and temperatures of -10 to -20 C and beyond are not unusual. Typically our guides wear 2 sets of base layers (long johns) a fleece layer (top and bottom) and then on the legs waterproofs whilst on the upper torso a down jacket is worn.

As the wind picks up near the summit ridge our guides will put on their wind proof layer to ward of the wind-chill. On their hands they’ll wear a thin layer of working gloves under a thicker set of “ski gloves” or mittens.

Their heads are covered by a thermal beanie hat and the hood of their down jackets. On their feet the guides wear one pair of thin socks and one pair of thick socks.

On summit day waterproofs are used as an invaluable wind shield to protect you against the effect of windchill when a strong wind blows.

What is the best type of footwear to use?

Because of the huge variety of terrain encountered when ascending this mountain it is very important to wear the right footwear. Boots should be sturdy, waterproof, insulated against cold temperatures and offer adequate ankle support. In addition it is highly recommended that your boots are well worn in to prevent the formation of blisters.

A wide range of suitable boots are on the market and further advice as to which brands are available can be found online or at your local gear store. When in store try lots of boots on, use the ramps in the shops to test their traction, make sure they are comfortable as you will be almost living in them for days on end and they are very important.

It is not necessary to buy technical boots with crampon clips unless you plan to do more ambitious climbs in the future as crampons are not used to climb this mountain.

What should I carry inside my daysack?

A daysack is worn at all times during the trek. The content of this is mandatory and should include: a fleece (for when taking breaks or weather changes) a full set (top and bottoms) of waterproofs, sufficient water for the day, snacks, camera equipment, personal medication and a head torch.

Your day to day sack should weigh no more then 5-6 kg (this includes your 2 – 3 ltrs of water) and a rucksack of around 40L capacity will more than suffice. This rucksack can be filled to brim with extra stuff when checking in at the airport.

It is important that this bag has an adjustable waist belt to transfer the weight of your daily load onto your hips and from here onto your legs (your strongest muscles) to do most of the carrying.

What do the porters carry? What is the correct porter weight?

Your porter bags should be off a soft material “duffel bag” or rucksack variety and should not be a suitcase or hard bodied metal case. Furthermore they should weigh no more then 12-14 kg when packed for the mountain. On all our Mount Kilimanjaro trips we have found this weight to be ample and usually everybody can plan to take only enough clothes and equipment needed for the mountain.

Please bear in mind that park regulations restrict porters only carrying 20kg and that on top of your load porters will also have to carry a share of the food, kitchen equipment, camping equipment and their own survival gear.

Inside the porter bag should be a change of clothing, your clothing for higher up the mountain, sleeping bag, personal toiletries etc. (Refer back to the kit list).

Are down jackets necessary?

They are highly recommended and are worth their weight in gold on summit day. Our guides wear them every evening from the first camp up. A layer system comprising of several layers of base and thermal layers, fleeces, and a thick jacket will suffice on most summit nights but nothing beats the efficiency of a good down jacket (especially when topped with a water proof layer).

How warm does my sleeping bag need to be?

Should be rated within the -10C comfort zone. From the first camp upwards it is not unusual to experience frosty nights and a good night’s sleep is important to giving you the best chance to climb this mountain. Ensure you get a sleeping bag that has this temperature rating at this comfort zone rather than as its extreme zone.

Our guides take sleeping bags rated to well below -10C to ensure that they are warm at night. 3 season sleeping bags can be enhanced by using an inner silk liner (or similar), and ultimately by draping your down jacket over you. The idea is to be as comfortable and warm as possible for the night and henceforth to ensure plenty of sleep for the arduous days ahead. It is important to remember that down sleeping bags work by your own body heating the down that’s inside the bag. Once you have warmed the bag up the feather down will retain the heat and ensure that you sleep at a temperature that’s your own body temperature. For best results wear as little as possible when inside your sleeping bag. Our guides will often only wear a set of thermals in their bag. It is important for the bag to trap the heat. By wearing multiple layers of clothing your clothing will trap this heat and your bag will not function properly.

Is it possible to rent equipment before I go?

You can rent equipment from our friends at www.outdoorhire.co.uk. Look under Partner Kit Lists, 360 Expeditions and Mount Kilimanjaro. However, we do advocate the use of personal equipment when it comes to footwear, your boots should be well worn in to your own feet.

What clothing is suitable for when we come back from the mountains?

Tanzania almost straddles the equator and daytime temperatures are warm. Although around 30% of the population in Moshi and Arusha are Muslim there is not a very strict dress code for foreigners. When in Rome do as the Romans. Shorts and T-shirts are fine to wear during the day. Evening wear generally tends to be casual with long trousers and casual shirt appropriate for all hotels and restaurants. Tanzanians are generally quite conservative in their dress code and are generally well dressed despite their situation in life. Your town and party clothes can be left in a safe lock up at the hotel and will not have to be taken up the mountain.

The Trek

Why do we need extra day to climb Kilimanjaro?

An extra day allow us not only to appreciate the mountain in much more detail but to further improve our acclimatisation and so increase our chances of success in reaching the summit.

What is the overall success rate for climbing Kilimanjaro?

At 360 Expeditions we are very proud of our high success rate. This is a highly credible feat that is down to our well thought out itinerary which gives the client time for acclimatisation.

Rolfe, our co-founder has climbed Kilimanjaro 60+ times and has personally trained up our team over the past 10 years and we are confident in our style, pace and route – knowing the very best formula for summit success.

The average success rate for all the routes on the mountain is around 50%. This rather disappointing figure is down to the fact that the shortest routes on the mountain (particularly Marangu and Machembe) are too short to allow for proper acclimatisation. Taken from the perspective of a Himalayas climb, a mountain of Kilimanjaro’s altitude would be ascended over a much longer time frame, hence the extra acclimatisation day. After all you pay a lot of money for the experience and train to get to best out of it; why shouldn’t you deserve the best chance of standing on the summit – our own success rates are in the region of 95%.


The Weather

What is the best time of the year to climb in the mountains?

The optimal climbing seasons are late December through to early March when the daytime temperatures are the warmest and there is a reduced cloud cover. June through to October are also good as the daytime conditions are generally cooler but clear. Bear in mind that this time-frame coincides with the European and USA holiday season and that the routes may be busy. In October the crowds tend to vanish.

How cold can it get?

The temperature at the top of the mountains can vary widely. Sometimes it is only a degree or two below freezing, but you should be prepared for possible temperatures as low as minus 25 Celsius, especially in conjunction with wind chill.


Do I need to book my own flights to Tanzania?

360 Expeditions will be booking flights on your behalf unless you tell us otherwise. We provide confirmation of flight times and departure terminal approximately four weeks before your departure date. Please be aware that flight schedules are subject to change. Please ensure that you have checked your flight details before you set out for the airport.


Do I need special travel insurance for these treks?

You must carry individual travel insurance to take part in the trek. We cannot take you on the mountain without proof of insurance.

It is your responsibility to ensure that you have the appropriate insurance for your intended trip.  To include medical evacuation and coverage up to the maximum altitude of this trip.

Your insurance details are requested on the booking form, however this can be arranged at a later date. 360 Expeditions will be requesting your insurance details 8 weeks before your departure.

Entry into County

My passport runs out 3 months after the expedition, is this OK?

Your passport should be valid for 6 months after the date the trek starts. If it runs out before you may be refused entry. It is also advisable to have a couple of photocopies of your passport in case of loss.

Do I need a visa for Tanzania?

Visas are compulsory for entry into Tanzania for UK citizens. Although these can be acquired relatively easily at the border, we recommend that you contact your nearest Tanzanian embassy to avoid queuing, unnecessary delays and potential clearance.

Tanzania High Commission UK

3 Stratford Place W1C 1AS

London, UK

Tel: +44 (0) 207 569 1470



How can I best train / prepare for climbing the mountain?

The 360 expedition training program has been devised to be expedition specific. Use it as a guide but also feel free to contact us for individual advice on how best to incorporate a suitable fitness program with your own lifestyle. If you are struggling from day one then you will not enjoy the rest of the trip. Physical preparation does not have to be Herculean: concentrate on cardio-vascular exercise during the week by taking short runs when time allows and try to spend at least 2 weekends a month going on long duration walks (longer than 6 hrs) carrying a rucksack of around 10kg.

This kind of regime will not only prepare your body for carrying minor loads but will harden your body against the big days on the mountain itself. In addition it will help break in your boots and get you used to your equipment. In combination this will pay dividends when you reach Kilimanjaro because even though you can’t train for altitude your body will be ready for arduous days and you will be familiar with how to best use your equipment, so you can enjoy and appreciate the mountain all the more.

How fit do I need to be for this expedition?

Having a good level of fitness will allow you to enjoy the expedition all the better and increase your chances of reaching the summit. Summit day can be up to 14 hours long and the climb is steep!

How out of my comfort zone will I be?

On a day to day level remember that you will be camping at altitude. You are likely to be cold, washing and toilet facilities will be limited, your appetite may be affected by the altitude and as you get higher on the trek you are likely to suffer shortness of breath and many people have difficulty sleeping. Remember that everyone on the trek is probably experiencing exactly the same symptoms, both physical and mental.


When is the money due for this expedition? What kind of payment do you accept?

Generally speaking deposits are due upon booking as we need to book your international flights well in advance. The full amount should be paid 4 months prior to departure. However having said this, our aim is to get you to the top of this mountain and we understand that personal financial situations can vary. Please contact our friendly office crew to discuss a suitable payment plan should you find raising the funds to be difficult. We have after all been in your shoes and go by the motto of where there’s a will there’s a way.

What is your cancellation policy? What is your refund policy?

Please read our terms and conditions careful before you depart. 360 Expeditions highly recommends trip cancellation insurance for all expeditions. Due to the nature and heavy costs of government and operator permits we must adhere to a stringent refund policy.

Money: am I correct in thinking we only need to take American Dollars with us?

American dollars are readily recognised and are easily converted to the local currency. Upon arrival there will always be a bureau de change at the airport as well as a temperamental ATM just beyond the arrivals barriers. Generally these provide a better rate of exchange then your hotel.

For most situations when buying gifts or small goods such as drinks or snacks etc. the use of small denomination USD ($) dollars is not a problem. Getting change for a $20 bill when buying a $1 coke will be a problem. Larger bills are good for tipping your porters at the end of the expedition and a sufficient amount should be carried with you, see the next FAQ for details.

What additional spending money will we need?

The amount of money you will need depends on how many presents you wish to buy or how much you wish to drink when you come off the hill. As a basic rule of thumb $200 should be more than adequate for any post expedition spending.

Tanzania is a relatively cheap place and when indulging in the local custom of haggling then goods can be very good value for money. Your 360 leader will be happy to point out the relative bargains and the suitable prices plus where to get the best value for money. The only cash you’ll need to consider taking with you on the mountain is the local crew tips which are presented to them usually on the final evening at the last camp before you sign out from the national park.

How much do we tip our local crew?

Our local crew work extremely hard to ensure that your expedition runs well. While tipping is not compulsory, once you see how hard the crew work and realise the small amount of money they get paid relative to one’s own income tipping will seem the least they can do to say thank you. As a general rule we suggest a minimum of $210-$250 USD per client for the entire local crew to be shared amongst them. This is based roughly on $10 USD per day for each guide, cook and porter, and this amount will provide a proper living wage.

For the 360 leader this is your call.

What happens if I need to leave the trip early?

If you need to leave early, arrangements can be made with the help of your 360 Guide. Additional costs (transport, hotels, flights etc.) will be incurred by the climber but our guides will be able to assist in every detail of your departure.


Will I be able to charge my camera/phone battery on the trek?

Opportunities to charge your batteries will be limited. If you can get hold of a solar battery charger this is probably the best option. This together with making sure that you keep your spare batteries warm i.e. by keeping them near your body day and night should mean that you can keep snapping all the way!

Is there mobile phone reception on the trek?

For the initial day or two there is mobile phone coverage but this weakens to almost non-existent above camp 2. You do sometimes receive signal on top to relay the good news though. Your 360 leader will have a satellite phone that is used in emergency situations only.

Is a travel adaptor necessary for the plug sockets in the hotel or are they like UK?

The voltage is 220v / 50Hz like the UK. Rectangular or round three-pin plugs are used.


Will my valuables be safe?

While we will do everything we can to provide adequate safety for the group and security for your possessions, the general rule is that if you don’t need it, don’t bring it. This includes jewellery, necklaces, rings and even watches. Your passport and money should be kept on you at all times. As with travel in any foreign country, you need to look after yourself and your possessions, and this is no different.

Does our hotel have a pool?

Almost all the hotels we use in Moshi have pools, so do bring swimming costumes or shorts.

Additional reading/watching

Our leader, Jo Bradshaw has written a very comprehensive article about top tips for climbing Kilimanjaro- give it a read here!

For more info on what to expect, check out our YouTube channel:


Has Tanzania banned plastic bags?

Tanzania has made a bold conservation move and has banned plastic bags – from production to importation and use within the country.

Visitors are advised to avoid carrying plastic bags or packing plastic bags in their luggage but please note that ziploc bags to carry toiletries will be permitted, on the basis they remain in your possession and are not disposed of within the country.  We suggest biodegradable nappy sacks and wet wipes.

We had really good support leading up to the expedition and on the mountain. The porters and the group were amazing – especially the singing and support on the summit day. I really felt that they wanted us to summit as opposed to just doing a job. The food was also amazing.

Sophie Masters, Kilimanjaro
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