Explore 360

Testimonials : Africa

I heard wonderful things about 360 during our really fun get together last week for the Kilimanjaro group. How you engaged with the locals, the meal, the trip etc. I’ll stay here in the background for now with the twinge of excitement remaining.

Peggy Joyce, Kilimanjaro Lemosho Route

When I go on expeditions with 360 I feel determined when seeing the peak; in awe of the views; challenged up to the summit; overwhelmed with joy at the top; accomplished at the end no matter the outcome. Finally, and this is the most important, excited for the next challenge with 360 expeditions.

Luke Evans

From e mail of the other day I just wanted to write and say just how amazing the Kili trip was and how much I know it will be a catalyst in my life. You are all awesome and I couldn’t have been in better hands for such an adventure.

Paul Cook, Kilimanjaro Lemosho Route

I’d just like to say from start to finish Rolfe and his Kilimanjaro team were brilliant and made the experience even more amazing than I’d ever imagined. I’m sure I can speak for all of us when I say ” Thank you from us all.”

Dave Fowles, Kilimanjaro Lemosho Route

Highlights of my trip: making friends with our local team, Rolfe’s leadership – inspiring and an antidote to modern norms, meeting some outstanding people in the group. Better understanding of the ecology and environmental challenges facing Kili and its people.

Ian Ireland, Kilimanjaro Lemosho Route

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