Explore 360

Testimonials : Trekking

Overall I thought the expedition was excellent. The route chosen and the pace of the ascent worked well and meant that we were able to both have fun and (most of us) enjoy reaching the summit. The catering and accom was first class and the crew really looked after us. The invitation to Adidas’ house on the last evening really made a big difference and a lot of strong friendships were confirmed.

Kevin Gaskell, Kilimanjaro Rongai Route

What do I feel when I go on expeditions with 360. It’s pretty simple really, anticipative of what is coming; intrigue in new skills; fascination with new cultures and way of life, but finally, and this is the most important, excited for the next challenge with 360 expeditions.

Luke Evans

Everyone made it to the top! It was an amazing feeling, I’ve never felt anything like it.

The whole team were fantastic and I thoroughly enjoyed and loved every minute of my adventure. I have many amazing memories that will stay with me for the rest of my life.

360 is more than just a trip, it’s actually becoming part of the 360 family. Their guides want you to achieve your goals. They want you to experience and share the same joy that they do on these adventures.

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