Explore 360

Anna Crampin

Expedition Leader

Anna has been a freelance expedition leader for 15 years and an avid adventurer for the last 20. Studying geography and psychology at university sparked a fascination with the natural world and a love of people which has taken her across the globe with groups on bike and foot.

Anna has operated in extreme environments from the plains and mountains of Central Africa to the deep South American jungle to the scorching heat of the Middle Eastern and African deserts. Anna always strives to make sure that her trips are supportive, well run and hugely enjoyable.

Anna has extensive experience in the voluntary and charity travel sector. She has worked on humanitarian projects in Peru, Cambodia, Mexico, Tanzania, Guatemala and Guyana. She also spent 3 years with a British charity managing fundraising treks and bike rides and took a directorship with Brathay Exploration Group encouraging young people to undertake unsupported expeditions around the world.

When not living out of a kit bag Anna loves nothing more than to be with her husband and 3 young children on their family adventure in the Middle East.


What was your first adventure?

My first adventure was to Guyana in South America on a Raleigh International Expedition. I was 17 years old and having never been on an aircraft before or owned a ruck sack this was quite a start.

I worked on all sorts of projects and learnt the basics of adventuring on this trip and it whetted my appetite for more.

What has been your most memorable adventure?

Ha ha, it’s always one that I’ve just done. I’m very lucky to have a job which takes me to exciting places with very cool people.  I like to relish the last adventure, that is until the next one comes along.

One that does stand out though would be the GR20, the hardest way marked long distance walk in Europe straight down the spine of Corsica with 20 school kids and a pack weighing well over 20kg full of dried food and camping stuff.

What item of travel kit you can't do without?

I wish my answer was less predictable. But, I like to keep in touch with my husband and children when I’m away and so a laptop or phone is important to me. I do also like a comfy set of clothes to get into after a hard days cycle or trek. As a rule though I take only what I really need with me. For me the luxury item is as manageable a bag as possible!

What three bits of advice would you give to people who are keen on adventures, trekking and climbing?

  1. If you get a jump of excitement in the pit of your stomach at the very thought of the adventure then you must find a way to do it.
  2. But, make sure that you are fit enough for it, have the right stuff for it and have the support of people at home who are making it possible for you to do it.
  3. Don’t worry about what anyone else thinks.

What is the best thing about your job?

I love that trips usually bring out the best in the people on them. I have met the funniest people, the kindest, most supportive people, the craziest people and the bravest people in the world.

Why did you choose to work for 360?

I have worked with Rolfe and some of the other leaders on previous treks across the world and am proud to be featured here in their midst!

Have been back from the recent Stok Kangri trip for 6 days now and really struggling to return to ‘normal’ life!!

Stephen Ash, Stok Kangri
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