Explore 360

Emma Linford

Expedition Leader

Emma (IML) has operated in extreme environments the world over; from the sea ice of the high Arctic, high altitude mountains, to the African bush and jungle. Her wide experience is exhibited through her strong chameleon leadership style, adapting herself to any given situation. She is ‘comfortable being uncomfortable’. Her leadership challenges have varied, from selecting and training potential polar explorers, leading overseas youth leadership expeditions or migrating with the Nenets in Siberia.

Emma’s physical energy and enthusiasm was ignited through a passion of exploring her own limits of endurance and resilience through multi day races. She is passionate about helping people realise their potential through expeditioning, facilitating change and personal discovery, with the aim of adding more resilience and compassion to their everyday lives. As an International Mountain Leader, she equally enjoys integrating with and sharing the cultural exchanges, and environmental knowledge with her clients.

“We all go through a challenge in life because without a challenge there’d be no reason to keep going toward your future.”

Mark Twain, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn


What was your first adventure?

My first adventure was building a raft, paddling to a tiny island, building a shelter and shooting air rifles at the back of my house when I was a kid!

What has been your most memorable adventure?

My most memorable adventure is either co-leading a scientific expedition team in the Northwest Passage in winter (-45 degrees ambient) or my first ever expedition as a participant on a Raleigh International Expedition to Belize for three months.

What item of travel kit you can't do without?

I can’t do without some well fitting, comfortable, performance underwear.

What three bits of advice would you give to people who are keen on adventures, trekking and climbing?

  1. Believe/act upon whatever your gut is telling you.
  2. Where there is discomfort, there is growth and each person’s experience is different and its not yours, so be courageous and take that step into the unknown.
  3. It’s not about buying the most expensive kit, it’s about having the kit that works for you.

What is the best thing about your job?

 My job is ace because of the breadth of characters that I get to meet and work alongside.

Why did you choose to work for 360?

I work for 360 expeditions as they also believe in that extra special quality of ‘good madness’,  which you need to experience life and be courageous in your challenges.

I had an amazing time on 360’s week long Expeditions Skills Course in the Pyrenees.  Guides Jo and Rolfe were incredible. I felt very safe and would trust them with my life on any other expedition. The course is great for people that have just got into mountaineering and want to learn the required skills. We learnt so much within a week. I would highly recommend this course to anyone!

Sam Dale, Expeditions Skills Course
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