Explore 360

Dean Beard

Initially focusing on a professional career in the education sector; spanning both secondary and college education, it was a genuine love of the outdoors and adventure that inspired Dean to change direction. Having made that commitment, he has gone on to lead over 70 international expeditions with more than a decade of experience guiding people to some of the most exhilarating locations on the planet.

Having a natural passion for all things adventurous, both on land and on the water, has allowed him to lead an extremely wide array of expeditions. This enthusiasm has allowed Dean to achieve a high level of qualification and lead expeditions as diverse as climbing Aconcagua in South America, cycling across Death Valley in North America, jungle trekking and diving in Borneo, horse trekking across the Himalayas, technical high-altitude rock climbing in the Alps, building schools in Africa and rafting down the Nile to name a few.

As a leader, Dean gets his enjoyment not just from traveling, but also from seeing others achieve their dreams, push themselves to the limits and come back home feeling elated.

What do I feel when I go on expeditions with 360. It’s pretty simple really, anticipative of what is coming; intrigue in new skills; fascination with new cultures and way of life, but finally, and this is the most important, excited for the next challenge with 360 expeditions.

Luke Evans
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You don’t drive down a road backwards, so why go through life looking at the past? – Kilimanjaro

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