Explore 360

Louise Chandler

Since childhood Louise has always thrived being outside and active; climbing trees and jumping ditches.

Her passion for the mountains only grew as she graduated in Environmental Sciences with flying colours and spent any spare time exploring her mountain bothy base in the depths of the Cuillins of Skye. Louise spent 3 months living with 2 geologists roaming the stunning mountain range that surrounded them and being at one with nature.

Outdoor education tipped her career compass in a different direction as she moved from guided forest walks to teaching navigation and setting up top ropes on mountain crags.

Louise counts her lucky stars to have worked all over the world guiding in many wild and beautiful locations; at times on the water but now mainly on land. Some of Louise’s most memorable posts include instructing in sea kayaks on the South China Sea, rainforest trekking on the Tepui of Venezuela and technical leading in the Himalaya on Imja Tse with an all female British Army team.

Most recently, she loves her work as an International Mountain Leader (IML) that combines her 2 greatest pleasures: being in the mountains and looking after people who chose to come with me… feeling inspired?

I just wanted to say a massive thank you to everybody at 360 for a totally awesome expedition skills course last week. The week did exactly what it said on the tin plus much more, from the discussions around weather and avalanches, to self arresting, rock climbing and abseiling and then putting it all together to summit the Maladeta on a gorgeous day everything was great! The instruction from Rolfe and support from Jamie alongside a great team bond helped everybody learn new skills and overcome fears (abseiling for me). I feel I now have both the confidence and the tools for whatever Kang Yatse II throws at me later in the year!

Marian McMichael - Winter Expedition Skills Course Pyrenees
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Giving away a small secret I hope I won’t regret….

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